Install New Firmware on the G700 Media Gateway
Issue 9.1 June 2006 563
Note: The VoIP processor on the motherboard is upgraded using the same firmware
image file as the VoIP media modules; for example, the file mm760v8.fdl is
vintage #8.
5. Check the FW VINTAGE column for vintages of each of the installed media modules:
MM710, MM711, MM712, MM714, MM716, MM717, MM720, MM722, and/or MM760 to see
if they match the FW vintages in the planning forms.
If not, you must upgrade them, as well.
Install New Firmware on the G700 Media Gateway
The procedures in this section install firmware on the G700 processors and media modules.
This section covers:
● Installing New Firmware on the P330 Stack Processor
● Installing new firmware on the G700 Media Gateway Processor
● Installing new firmware on the media modules
Following these procedures, Setting rapid spanning tree on the network enables a loop
avoidance protocol on the network.
Manually installing G700 and media modules firmware
Installing New Firmware on the P330 Stack Processor
To install P330 stack processor firmware
1. Accessing the P330 Stack Processor.
2. At the P330-1(configure)# prompt, type
copy tftp SW_image <file> EW_archive <ew_file>
<tftp_server_address> <Module#>
where <file> is the full-path name for the image file with format and vintage number
similar to viisa3_8_2.exe,
<ew_file> is the full-path name for the embedded web application file with format similar
to p330Tweb.3.8.6.exe,