Overview for Avaya IP600 Internet Protocol Communications Server
555-233-001 — Issue 5 — November 2000
1 Introduction
With the use of the Internet and e-commerce, the paradigm of business is shifting from brick and mortar to the
virtual enterprise. This shift is allowing small and large businesses alike to take advantage of new opportunities
and find new ways to communicate with their customers.
Competition is fierce as this new technology begins to level the playing field, allowing small companies to more
easily compete with larger companies without acquiring a large number of employees or large corporate
infrastructure. To compete, the smaller businesses must present an image of a larger company through their sales
and customer service operations, as well as their day-to-day communications with their customers. These small
companies need sophisticated, highly reliable tools to effectively run their operations, improve customer service,
and make the most effective use of their limited resources.
Larger companies face a similar challenge, having to present the same corporate image through all of their
locations, large and small. It is critical that their customers receive the same level of service and have the same
tools deployed to the field as are in use at the company’s headquarters. Ensuring that the customer experience is
consistent across all locations can help to improve customer satisfaction and build customer loyalty.
Thus, for both a small business and a small branch of a large corporation, the tools needed to provide the highest
level of customer service and improve employee productivity are critical. The most critical of those tools are the
communications systems used within the business. These systems provide not only the data and
telecommunications resources for the business but also the foundation for the other service and productivity
enhancing applications.
The Avaya IP600 Internet Protocol Communications Server brings together the successes of three Avaya
products to create a new standard in multiservice IP telephony:
• Call processing that runs on a customized surround-supported NT operating
system, co-resident with sophisticated and integrated voice/fax mail, call centers,
announcements, SMDR, and Web-based system administration. Additionally,
SNMP agent is supported as an option to the standard Expert systems interface.
• Complete IP Gateway and IP Gatekeeper functions that support 100% TCP/IP
transport of merged voice and data to the desktop as well as to the network
• Integration with traditional DEFINITY port architecture that leverages millions
of lines of proven code and proven hardware to provide world class
reliability/availability and feature richness with the emerging technology of Voice
over IP.
This document provides on overview of the Avaya IP600.
Avaya IP600 is a high functionality communications system for customers in the 25-40 line size or smaller with
growth potential to 240 IP end points and 400 ports total. This offer supports DEFINITY® Release 9 software,
INTUITY® AUDIX® Release 4.4 messaging, and DEFINITY Site Administration (DSA) Release 1.5 on a
single hardware platform.
Application integration results in easy administration on the Windows NT 4.0 operating system. In addition,
outside adjuncts and associated connectivity and maintenance costs are eliminated and functionality is
consolidated into a single cabinet, creating a cost-effective platform.