NN44400-710 Contact Center Performance Management 12 November 2010 145
Report Creation Wizard
Defining selection criteria
Define selection criteria to determine the entities to include in a report. The following
options are available when you define a Report Creation Wizard report in Historical
• Define the selection criteria.
• Schedule to print the report.
• Schedule to send the report to a file.
• Save the report.
• Run the report immediately.
You define the selection criteria for Report Creation Wizard reports differently than you
do for user-defined reports.
• Import a Report Creation Wizard report to Historical Reporting. See Importing a
report to Historical Reporting (page 140).
• Log on to Historical Reporting.
Procedure steps
Step Action
1 In the left pane, click the server under which the Report Creation Wizard report is
2 Navigate to the Report Creation Wizard report.
3 In the Report Properties window, click Selection Criteria.
The Selection Criteria heading expands. The fields of each selected Report Creation
Wizard table appear in the fields list.
4 From the fields list, select a field.
The table name and the field data type appear in the criteria list.
5 From the criteria list, select one of the following values:
• Is equal to: If you select Is equal to, you can filter the selected field based on only
one element. You can base the filter on a field from the tables that you include on
the report, including fields that you did not select on the report.
• Is greater than
• Is less than
• Not equal to
• Between
•In: If you select In, you can filter the selected field based on multiple elements. You
can base the filter on a field from the tables that you include on the report, including
fields that you did not select on the report.