Chapter 3 Configuration
How to Navigate through the Setup menus
• All Setup menus conform to the following display conventions:
This symbol Means
... This item has a sub-menu
[ ] This item has a sub-menu to insert parameter values
1, 2, 3,
Denotes a sequence number. To select an item from any menu,
type its sequence number
• Setup sub-menus display the following standard functions:
This function Means
Return to
Go back one menu level
List List the current values for the selected parameter
Save the
Save and store changes to the selected parameter, and activate
When saving the session, the changes become active (no need
for reset), and stored in the non-volatile memory.
Reset the
This is needed when assigning an IP address and ATM
parameters to the Agent. In other cases, the Agent will activate
new parameter values, when the user chooses the "Save the
Session" option.
• If you forget to save changes or reset the agent when necessary, the following
warnings will remind you to do so before exiting the relevant sub-menu of the
Setup session:
This WARNING Means
No save since last
change. Save? y/[n]:
Type <y> to save parameter changes. If you
type <n> all changes will be lost.
* IP address was changed.
Reset the agent!!!
Agent must be reset in order to activate IP
changes. Reset may be done after each change
or at the end of the entire Setup session.
16 P117F(R) Stackable Switch Installation Guide