Before You Seek Help
D-2 Avaya Wireless AP-3 User’s Guide
• Information about your network
— Network operating system (e.g., Microsoft Networking);
include version information
— Protocols used by network (e.g., TCP/IP, NetBEUI, IPX/SPX,
— Ethernet frame type (e.g., 802.3, Ethernet II), if known
— IP addressing scheme (include address range and whether
static or DHCP)
— Network speed and duplex (10 or 100 Mbits/sec; full or half
— Type of Ethernet device that the Access Points are connected
to (e.g., Active Ethernet power injector, hub, switch, etc.)
— Type of Security enabled on the wireless network (None, WEP
Encryption, 802.1x, Mixed)
• A description of the problem you are experiencing
— What were you doing when the error occurred?
— What error message did you see?
— Can you reproduce the problem?
— For each Avaya Wireless product, describe the behavior of the
device’s LEDs when the problem occurs