device. It does not indicate that all devices in a system are
properly connected, however. If you have two Personal Mix
ers connected together, the second Personal Mixer’s A-Net
LED will light because the first Personal Mixer is correctly
connected to it. Check that each device in the chain has a
Category 5 cable plugged into it.
• Check that the A-Net cables are connected in the correct
order. The Cat 5 cable connected to the first Personal Mixer
should be connected to the A-Net In jack. The next device is
connected from the Out on the first device to the In on the
Problem: A Preset was saved with a stereo link active but when the
Preset is recalled the channels are mono. (Or, a Preset was saved with
mono channels, but on recall the Channels are linked.)
Possible Solutions:
• The status of the stereo link is set by the Link switches on
the input module. If a Preset is recalled and the position
of the Link switch is different from when the Preset was
saved, the Preset will be adjusted to agree with the current
hardware settings on the input module’s front panel. If this
happens, simply change the position of the Link switch
on the input module. Your current mix will be updated
Problem: A Channel was assigned to one Group and now it is suddenly
part of a different Group.
Possible Solutions:
• When you link a pair of channels with the Link switch
on the input module after a Group has been created, it is
possible that channel characteristics could change. This in-
cludes the volume, pan, mute status, and Group assignment.
The rule to remember is that the even-numbered channel
(the right side of the pair) will inherit the characteristics of
the odd-numbered channel (left side of the pair).
Problem: When editing a Group that contains a large number of Chan
nels, it seems like all of the LEDs are pulsing.
Possible Solutions
• This is a normal effect of the current-limiting circuit and is
not an indication of a problem.