eAr PANel FeAtures
Manual Mode Configuration Button
In Manual Mode, the MH10/MH10f can be set to merge and distribute
A-Net data from different combinations of ports, making signal routing
easy. The functionality of the ports is determined by the setting of the
Manual Mode Configuration.
One configuration is always selected (its LED is lit), even if the network is
operating in Auto Mode.
One Manual Mode Conīguration LED is always lit.
Press the MAnuAl Mode ConfigurAtion button to cycle through the
three options (A, B, or C). The LED next to the selected configuration will
be lit regardless of the current network mode that is being used. When
Manual Mode is selected at the Control Master, the selected Manual
Mode Configuration is automatically applied. The corresponding LED
on the front panel of the MH10/MH10f will also light when Manual Mode
is active.
When multiple MH10/MH10f Merger Hubs are used in a network, note
that each can be configured as needed, making complex Manual Mode
networks easy to set up.