Dose-Specific Effects
0.13-0.15% Gross motor impairment and lack of
physical control. Blurred vision and major
loss of balance. Euphoria is reduced and
dysphoria (anxiety, restlessness) is begin-
ning to appear.
0.16-0.20% Dysphoria predominates. Nausea may
0.25% Needs assistance in walking. Total mental
confusion. Dysphoria with nausea and
some vomiting.
0.30% Loss of consciousness.
0.40% and up Onset of coma. Possible death due to
respiratory arrest**.
Bailey, William J., Drug Use in American Society, 3rd ed.,
Minneapolis: Burgess, 1993
* The effects of alcohol intoxication are greatly influenced by individual
variations among users. Some users will be intoxicated at a much lower
BAC than shown above.
**Death can occur at a lower BAC in some individuals.
The generally accepted legal standard for alcohol intoxication in
the United States is 0.08%. However, your driving skills can be
impaired at a level of 0.04% or lower. It is never safe to drink
any amount of alcohol and drive.