Advanced Menu Options
The BACTRACK offers several user-adjustable features through
Menu Mode. To enter Menu Mode, turn on the BACTRACK
and during the countdown hold MODE for 5 seconds. To move
between Menu Mode options, press MODE.
Units of Measure
By default, the BACTRACK will display test
results in %BAC, which is the standard in
North America and in many other regions.
To change to a different unit of measure,
press START. You can select Promille (0/00)
or mg/L as alternate units of measure.
Audible Warnings
By default, the BACTRACK does not sound
an audible warning after a specific %BAC
result. To set an audible warning after a
specific %BAC test result, press START
to cycle through %BAC values.
Blow Time
The default blow time is 5 seconds.
A longer blowing time generally provides
a deep lung air sample and a more
accurate test result. To adjust the blow
time, press START.
STEP 4: When the countdown reaches
zero, “START” will flash and the screen
will display three lines. Blow through the
mouthpiece for five seconds until there is
a double beep sound.
STEP 5: When finished taking a breath
sample, the BACTRACK will circle the
outer LCD fields for three seconds while
analyzing the breath sample.
STEP 6: Once the sensor has analyzed the
breath sample, the estimated BAC value is
Error Notification
If a user does not blow a sufficient breath
sample, the LCD will display “FLO”.
Press start to restart the countdown
cycle and retest.
If there is no breath sample blown within
15 seconds, the LCD will display “OUT”.
Press start to restart the countdown cycle
and retest.
If the battery indicator display is empty,
install two new alkaline AA batteries.