VerIfICaTIOn and CalIbraTIOn
The BACTRACK is calibrated during manufacture using ad-
vanced alcohol simulation equipment. Known alcohol concentra-
tions are passed through the sensor to set baseline values for
testing. During testing, the unit compares users’ breath samples
to these baseline values.
The accuracy of breath alcohol testers can fluctuate after six to
twelve months of normal use, depending on the number of tests
performed and operating conditions.
If this product is providing inconsistent test results, is not provid-
ing any test results, or provides unusually high or low test results,
the product should be recalibrated immediately by a trained
The product should be recalibrated at least every six to twelve
months. If the product is used every day, it may need to be
recalibrated as frequently as every month.
Calibration Instructions
Please visit www.bactrack.com or call 877-334-6876 for
information on how to get your BACTRACK Breathalyzer
During recalibration, a professional technician will reset the
sensor baseline values and also perform a full diagnostic check
to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the product.
Wait at least 20 minutes after drinking, eating or smoking before 1.
testing. Not observing this waiting period can cause inaccurate
readings and damage the sensor.
Do not blow smoke, food, or liquids into the BACTRACK as this 2.
will damage the sensor.
Do not test in areas with strong winds, smoke, or in an area 3.
where a large amount of alcohol is being consumed.
Replace the two AA batteries when the battery indicator icon 4.
reaches one bar.
Send your tester in for periodic calibration service as required. 5.
(See calibration).
The BACTRACK Breathalyzer is designed to be used in a tempera-6.
ture range of 32-104 °F (0-40 °C).
Avoid testing in the presence of any substances that contain 7.
methyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol or acetone. These substances
may interfere with the results of the test.
You cannot use the results of this product in court.8.
Do not use the BACTRACK as a tool to determine whether you 9.
should operate a motor vehicle or equipment, or perform any
other dangerous act.
Do not drink and drive. Always have a designated driver when 10.
alcohol is being consumed.