6. Important information
• A display is used at 24 hours/day; ie. 8.760hours/year
• The display system is covered with a warranty program of 5 year
• The Guaranteed Backlight Lifetime of that model is 17.000hours.
• The Factory Calibrated Luminance cannot be achieved anymore after 2.5years, thus corresponding
to +/-21.900hours
• Result: the backlight replacement does not make part of the warranty coverage.
(1): ‘Consumable’ is a part that can be replaced by the user
(2): ‘Backlight run time’ is the total time that an image (including use of a screen saver) has been applied
to the screen; this value can be consulted via the OSD buttons (On Screen Display).
(3): ‘Guaranteed Backlight Lifetime’ is the number of backlight hours during which a pr edefined luminance
value, ie. the Factory Calibrated Luminance, will be provided by a specific diagnostic display model. This
figure is printed on the Warranty certificate of each display or can be requested at your local Barco office.
(4): ‘Factory Cali brated Luminance’: is the typical luminance value that a specific diagnostic display model
is calibrated at during the production process. This figure is printed on the Warranty certificate of each
display or can be requested at your local Barco office.
c. Lamps, optical components in projectors
d. Replacement because of:
i. image retention as a result of:
• not correctly using screen saver and/or Display Power Management System (DPMS) as expl
ained in
the user manual
• prolonged operation of the display with a static image on the same screen area
ii. a number of missing pixels that is lower than the total allowable number as mentioned in the product
iii. difference in color temperature that is lower than the total allowable difference as mentioned in the
product specifications
iv. difference in color temperature as a result of not using all displays of a multi-head configuration at the
same rate.
v. LCD luminance uniformity that is in within the product specifications or luminance uniformity perfor-
mance that is inherent to LCD technology.
Barco nv, HC does not warrant a minimum life time nor a performance of an
y of the consumables.
2.6 Replacement of moveable parts such as power cords, remote controls, …
2.7 Any product disassembly and installation costs at the operation site, travel expenses and travel time
to and from the operation site for the personnel in charge of the repair works and transport charges.
2.8 Any failures resulting from an accident, negligence (such as but not limited to removing or deleting
system files & licensed software product files), misuse, circuit failure or any change, damage due to fire,
water, thunder or lightning, power failure or fluctuation, disruption of communication lines or due to force
majeure, or any reason foreign to the equipment.
2.9 Any specific services or procedures, asked for by Customer, related to verification of repaired equip-
2.10 The evaluation cost in case of a returned product d eemed functional is not covered under warranty
and will be charged to the Customer, at Barco’s sole discretion, based on a case-by-case evaluation.
Article 3: Obligations of the customer
Customer hereby assumes the following obligations as partial consideration for Barco nv, HC performance
of its requirements under the warranty condition; failure by Customer to meet its obligations under this
paragraph shall excuse Barco nv, HC’s performance hereunder:
3.1 Customer shall not expose Barco nv, HC personnel to any unsafe working conditions.
(451920610993)K5903021 MDSC-2226 01/03/2013