LED-PRO • User’s Guide 137
LED-PRO Remote Commands
Returns the Input Aspect Ratio of specified source in the format
= n cn
S AR 1 5 2.0 (Sets aspect ratio of channel 1 to Custom and sets the custom
aspect ratio to 2.0)
S AR? 1 (Queries Input aspect ratio of channel 1)
• Description: Auto Configure currently routed input. Only available if Input
Sample mode is 1:1
• Parameters: None
S IAUTOC (Auto Configures current input source)
• Description: Adjusts the Input Brightness value of the specified source.
• Parameters:
in - Input chnl [1-3]
nnn.n - Brightness value; Range 75 to 125%
• Query:
IBRT? in
Returns the Input Brightness value of the specified source in the format
= nnn.n
S BRT 2 110 (Adjusts input 2 Brightness to be 110%.)
S BRT? 2 (Queries Input Brightness of channel 2.)
• Description: Adjusts the Input Contrast values of the specified source.
• Parameters:
in - Input chnl [1-3]
nnn.n - Contrast value; Range 75 - 125%
• Query:
ICNT? in
Returns the Input Contrast values of the specified source in the format
= nnn.n
S CNT 1 100 (Adjusts input 1 Contrast to be 100%.)
S CNT? 1 (Queries Input Contrast of channel 1.)
• Description: Adjusts the Input Clock Phase Offset.
• Parameters:
in - Input chnl [1-3]
nn - Phase value; [-16..15]