System manual MeDis 5MP1HM 66
PCI Information
Device ID: Displays the devices PCI Device ID number.
Vendor ID: Displays the device manufacturers PCI Vendor ID
Subsystem ID: Displays the devices PCI Subsystem ID number.
SubsystemVendorID: Displays the devices PCI Subsystem Vendor
ID number.
VGA Status: Displays whether the VGA capabilities of the BarcoMed
controller are enabled or disabled.
Firmware Information
Product Name: Displays the name of the BarcoMed Display
Controller installed in the selected PCI slot.
Serial Number: Displays the serial number of the BarcoMed Display
Controller installed in the selected PCI slot.
VGA Bios Version: Displays the VGA Bios version for the BarcoMed
Display Controller installed in the selected PCI slot.
Firmware Version: Displays the firmware version for the BarcoMed
Display Controller installed in the selected PCI slot.
Hardware Version: Displays the Hardware Version for the BarcoMed
Display Controller installed in the selected PCI slot.
Advanced ... Button: By clicking on this button, the user can display
more information about the BarcoMed Display Controller installed in
the selected PCI slot.
Generate Report Button: Clicking this button will produce two
reports. It will first run the Windows Diagnostics program which will
generate a report that is saved to a text file. For Windows XP and
Windows 2000, this file will be saved on the c:\ drive and it will be
named BarcoMedSystemReport.txt. For Windows NT 4.0, this file will
be saved on the desktop and it will have the same name as the
machine for which the report is being generated. The other report that
is generated contains information about the Barco display adapters
installed in the system and will be named BarcoMedDeviceInfo.txt.
This report will be saved on the desktop. These files can be emailed
to our customer support department when reporting a problem. To
locate the closest BarcoView Support office, see the Support section
on www.barcomedical.com. If your system is connected to the internet
and a web browser is installed you can click on the link at the top of
the BarcoMed Hardware Tab to get to our web site.
Update Device... Button: Clicking this button will run the BarcoMed
Hardware Configuration Wizard. This program allows the user to flash
BarcoMed controller tools