DCS-100 • User’s Guide 93
4. Operation
Using Keys
The following topics are discussed in this section:
• Introduction to Keying
• Performing a Key
• Key Transition Combinations
The DCS-100 enables you to perform a luminance key over any selected source, using
either DVI input 7 or 8 as the key source. All key transitions are seamless, at the same rate
as the full screen source transitions.
A variety of “key” transitions can be performed:
• Mix key up, over the selected source
• Mix key down, over the selected source
• Mix from a source without a key, to a new source + key
• Mix from a source + key to another source without a key
• Mix between two sources under a key
• Fade to black from a source + key
• Fade up from black to a source + key
Before you perform a key transition, ensure that the key source is selected on the Key
Setup Menu, and that the key’s clip, gain and opacity have been adjusted. The key must
be transitioned to Program in order to adjust its parameters. See the “Key Setup Menu
section on page 65 for details.
Please note:
• The resolution of the digital key source can be the same, greater than or less than
the system’s selected output resolution.
~ If the key source resolution is greater than the output resolution, the
DCS-100 only displays an area equal to the output resolution. This area
can be positioned using the H Offset and V Offset fields on the Key
Setup Menu.
~ If the key source resolution is less than the output resolution, the key is
centered in the middle of the screen. H Offset and V Offset can be used
to position the key within the output active space.
You cannot use an analog input as a key source. You cannot
key over the LOGO.
Select the key source and adjust key parameters prior to your
production. The key must be visible on program in order to
visually adjust clip, gain and opacity. Refer to the “Key Setup
Menu” section on page 65 for details.