525/60 (NTSC) and 625/50 (PAL), HD 720p, per SMPTE 259M
HD 720p per SMPTE 296M, HD 1080i per SMPTE 292M
Supports single-link and dual-link
Dual-link HD-SDI modes supported per SMPTE 372M:
1080p, 4:2:2 YCbCr, 10-bit up to 60Hz
1080i or 1080p/PsF up to 30Hz with:
10-bit 4:4:4 RGB or YCbCr
12-bit 4:4:4 RGB or YCbCr
12-bit 4:2:2 YCbCr
All resolutions supported to a maximum rate of 240MHz (progressive or interlaced scan).
10-bits/color sampling
1 x Analog input (HD-15)
All resolutions supported to a maximum rate of 240MHz (progressive or interlaced scan).
10-bits/color sampling
Supports composite NTSC/PAL/Secam, S-Video (Y/C) and Component RGB or YPbPr
w/Sync-on-G (Y)
Supports Tri-level sync
Triple DVI-style connectors supporting the Barco Legacy 32MHz LED Output protocol.
Each output can drive a different type of Barco LED product.
Large displays can be driven by combining multiple outputs.
2 output cards (6 outputs) are required to output 2K x 1080 to 1080 x 2K.
Triple HDMI-style connectors supporting the Barco high-resolution NNI LED output protocol.
Large displays can be driven by combining multiple outputs.
The 2K x 1080 to 1080 x 2K output resolution can be achieved by combining the 3 outputs
on a single NNI Output Module.
1 x 3-BNC input
All resolutions supported to a maximum rate of 165MHz (single-link) or 240MHz (dual-link).
Supports both RGB and YCbCr, progressive or interlaced.
Supports single-link and dual-link
Also used as Expansion Input port when linking units together
1 x DVI Digital input
2 x HD/SD SDI input
2 types of output cards are
19” Rack
RJ-45 connector for communication with DTS.
Analog (HD-15) and Digital (DVI-I) monitor output connector are located on the back.
DMX IN and DMX THROUGH connectors.
DIAGNOSTIC RS232 connector (for system diagnostics only)
100-240 VAC, 50-60 Hz, Auto selecting
All Input and Output connectors are located on the back.
The connections with the system module are located on the back.
Input/Output Connectors
VGA touch panel Display, Display setup wizard, Source setup wizard, Preset management
menu, Source alignment menu, Display management, DX-700 management
Front Panel Display
Fully controllable over IP
Remote Control
Six softkeys are used to access menus and activate functions.
Five navigation buttons are used to navigate through menus and lists.
Black button. This button places black on all outputs.
Test pattern button. This button takes you directly to the Test Pattern Generator Menu.
Presets button. This button takes you directly to the Preset Management Menu.
Front Panel Buttons
Barco nv - Media & Entertainment Division
Noordlaan 5, 8520 Kuurne, Belgium
T +32 56 36 80 47 - F +32 56 36 83 86
email: sales.event@barco.com
11101 Trade Center Drive,
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670, USA
T +1 916 859 2500 - F +1 916 859 2515
R5990120 April ‘08 © 2008 Barco
Technical specifications are subject to change without prior notice