26-0904001-00 Rev 00.00 13
5. Remote Commands
The following commands have been updated as of software release 02.00.02.
Description: Input Channel Settings
Required parameters:
--con (connector)
--ch (channel)
--itype (input type), only for commands to DVI connector
--con (connector) : 0-5, see below for input connector numbers.
--ch (channel) : 0-1, input channel
--itype (input type) : 0 = digital, 1 = analog
--iwin : option to set input window
--hpos (Input Window H Position, pixels)
--vpos (Input Window V Position, pixels)
--hsize (Input Window H Size, pixels)
--vsize (Input Window V Size, pixels)
--mask : option to set the mask window
--left (Mask Left in percentage)
--right (Mask Right in percentage)
--top (Mask Top in percentage)
--bottom (Mask Bottom in percentage)
--at (aspect ratio type) : 0-6, see below for aspect ratio numbers
--ar (custom aspect ratio) : 0.25 - 10.00, custom aspect ratio. artype
must be set to 0
ICH --con 3 --ch 0 --at 6 --ar 1.91
Update DP input, aspect ratio type to Custom, and custom aspect ratio to 1.91
ICH --con 0 --itype 0 --ch 0 --iwin --hpos 10
Update DVI (digital in) input, Input Window H Position to 10
ICH --con 1 --ch 0 --mask --left 45.10
Update HD-15 input, Mask Left by 45.10%
Query Format 1 (Aspect ratio): ICH --con (connector) --ch (channel) --?
Query Response 1 : Input Channel Aspect Ratio Setting in the following format
ICH --at (AR type) --ar (Custom AR)