52 ImagePRO – Multi Format Image Processor Manual # 26-0302000-00 / Revision E
The handshake value is selected from the following values: Off or On (CTS/RTS).
The reset command restores the RS232 settings to defaults: 38400, N81, Handshake On.
After connecting the PC COM port to the ImagePRO RS-232 connector the user may open a serial terminal session
(Hyper-terminal, Procomm etc) and configure it to match the ImagePRO serial port settings as they are configured in
this menu. At this point the ImagePRO command prompt (#) will be displayed at the terminal. The user may type
“Help” to see a list of remote commands supported. For a complete list of commands and descriptions please see
section 4.
Ethernet Submenu
DHCP can be set to Off or On. When DHCP is set as Off, the operator can manually enter a static IP address (with
valid Subnet mask and Gateway) for Ethernet communication to function. Consult the network administrator for valid
IP address, Subnet mask and Gateway.
When DHCP is on, the ImagePRO queries the DHCP server for a valid IP address. If the ImagePRO finds a DHCP
server and receives an IP address, the IP address is displayed. If a server is not found, then the unit does not get an
IP address allotted to it.
It takes several seconds for the unit to query the Ethernet port and obtain the IP address. During this time the
SEL key will remain lit.
The Set Static IP submenu selection is used to manually select a static IP address when a DHCP server is not
available. This submenu is only accessible if DHCP is set to Off.
The IP line is an informational line indicating the current IP address. If an IP address hasn't been established (no
DHCP server found, or the network cable is not connected), then the IP address will read "".
The M line is an informational line showing the MAC (hardware) address of the unit’s Ethernet port.
Set Static IP Submenu
This menu invokes a special editor that allows the user to edit the IP address. This is only available when the DHCP
mode is off.
The menu starts out in the form:
> DHCP [val]
Set Static IP >>
IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
M xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx