Display Controller Installation
7. Align the Barco display controller(s) for your BARCO CORONIS FUSION
6MP Display System with the slot(s) and press it(them) in firmly
until the card(s) is(are) fully seated.
Note: The next step applies only to the MXRT 7300.
8. Connect the power cable to the 6-pin power connection on the
graphics card. Make sure the cables are not interfering with
anything inside the computer (for example, a cooling fan).
Power connection for the MXRT 7300 controllers
9. Screw in or fasten the display controller securely. Replace and
secure the computer cover.
10. Connect your Barco Coronis Fusion 6MP Displays to the Barco
display controller(s) for your B
System using the cables supplied. Make sure all cables are
securely connected before turning on your system.
6-pin graphics controller
power cable