User manual MIVD 1218
2 Click the control wheel to enter the menu.
3 Turn the control wheel to change the light output value.
4 Click the control wheel to confirm the change of the value.
5 Click and hold the control wheel for a few seconds to exit the
Unlike the contrast and brightness values, the changes to the light
output setting are saved immediately after changing the value.
When you switch on the display, it comes up with the same light
output value as before switching it off.
3.4. Calibrating the display*
* Not in DVI mode
When do you need to calibrate?
It is necessary to perform the Level and Phase calibrations in the
following cases:
• The first time you use the display
• After connecting or selecting another video source
We recommend you use the automatic calibration routines only. The
manual calibration controls are intended for advanced users who
wish to fine-tune the automatic calibration result.
Required test pattern
To obtain good results with the automatic calibration routines, it is
necessary to have a good image on which to perform the
For Phase calibration, the pattern should contain sharp black-white
transitions, like a line pattern or characters.
For Level calibration, the pattern should contain parts that are
completely black (0% video amplitude) and parts that are full white
(100% video amplitude).
For Total Autoset, the pattern should contain:
- sharp black-white transitions (see above)
- 0% and 100% video parts (see above)
- white or gray (min. 50%) pixels at the edges of the image (left,
right, top and bottom).
Light Output 136