MSWU-81E 07/08/2013
14.Lamp and Filter Maintenance
Reconnect power to the projector and reset the lamp usage timer. Refer to page 53: 10.8 Lamp1 Run Time and page
53: 10.9 Lamp2 Run Time
While starting up the projector, the electronics detect if a lamp is installed. If no lamp is installed, it is not
possible to start up the projector.
14.2 Replace the filter (for inlet Ventilation)
Make sure to replace the filter when it is required to keep the air intake clear of dust, and prevent possible over temperature
issue of the projector due to the clog of filter.
CAUTION: The high density filter must be replaced on a regular basis, depending on the environment
condi- tions of the projector. Suggest to replace filter every 500 hours runtime.
WARNING: Switch off the projector and unplug the power cord before starting the procedure.
CAUTION: Never use the projector with removed filters !
Necessary parts
New filter (available kit : R9899730, contains 2 high density filters)
CAUTION: Never clean the filter Always replace with a new one.
How to change the filter
Loosen the five screws on the projector left side cover.