Some hand tension may be kept on cable stringer to keep it properly
seated. See Figure 2
2. Cock the crossbow, using the foot stirrup for
stability. The safety is now automatically engaged.
3. Insert bowstring loops through the loops of cable
stringer and seat over nock ends.
4. Release safety catch.
5. Pull back firmly on the string, removing all tension
from the cable stringer.
6. Pull trigger while holding string, letting string down. Use caution, as
the string will have much tension on it. At this point the stringer will
have no tension on it.
7. Making sure each loop of the bowstring is firmly seated on the nock
ends, pull the cable stringer loop off each end. Use caution it may be
necessary to partially cock crossbow to remove stringer. When properly
strung the string should be at right angles to the stock.
8. Re-inspect bowstring loops for proper seating on nock ends.
Note: Before loading to ensure proper arrow flight you must be sure that
your string is marked on both sides of the outside flight track. When
shooting, the string should be pulled back equally on both sides. If this is
not done one side of the limb may be under greater tension causing the
arrow to shoot right or left.
To Remove String
1. Cock the crossbow. The safety will engage automatically.
2. Insert the black steel coated cable stringer loops through the loops of
the bowstring. Make sure cable stringer loops are securely seated on
nock ends.
3. Release safety.
4. Pull back on the bowstring firmly. Then pull the trigger letting the
bowstring down slowly to braced position. Use caution as the
bowstring will have a lot of tension on it.
5. At this point the cable stringer will have no tension on it. Recheck
cable stringer loops for proper seating on nock ends.
6. Cock the crossbow using the cable stringer. Use caution not to tangle
cable stringer in bowstring.
7. The bowstring will have no tension on it. Recheck stringer loops for
proper seating. Remove bowstring loops off prod nock ends.
8. Pull trigger carefully while holding cable stringer, letting cable stringer
down. Use caution as the stringer will have a lot of tension on it.
Stock Extension
The Ranger has a stock extension factory installed. To make adjustments,
loosen front nuts, pull extension back exposing rear nuts, adjust to desired
position using back nuts. Then secure tightly with front nuts.