Congratulations for making B.C. Rich your choice of instrument. This manual
will explain how to keep your instrument in top shape for years of musical
Bronze Series guitars
The Bronze Series has 3 controls to adjust the sound of the guitar.
• The first knob (closest to the bridge pickup) is the Master Volume.
It controls the loudness of both pickups.
• The next control is the 3-way Pickup Selector. It is used to switch
the two pickups on or off. Switching the selector up will engage
the neck pickup. The middle position engages both pickups, and
switching it down will engage the bridge pickup.
• The final control is the Master Tone control. This changes the
tonal characteristics of the pickup(s) currently engaged.
Platinum, Platinum Pro, Acrylic, NJ and Classic Series guitars
These guitars have 4 output controls:
• The first knob (closest to the bridge pickup) is the Volume Control
for the bridge pickup. It controls the loudness of this pickup.
• The next control is the 3-way Pickup Selector. It is used to switch
the two pickups on or off. Switching the selector up will
engage the neck pickup. The middle position engages both
pickups, and switching it down will engage the bridge pickup.
• The next control is the Volume Control for the neck pickup.
It controls the output of this pickup.
• The final control is the Master Tone Control. This changes the
characteristics of the pickup(s) currently engaged.
Exclusive Series guitars
This series has the traditional control set-up found on most archtop guitars
with two pickups. It consists of 2 Volume Controls, 2 Tone Controls and a 3-
Way Pickup Selector.
Platinum Series basses
Platinum Basses come equipped with 2 passive split-coil bass pickups. The
controls are as follows:
• The first knob (closest to the bridge pickup) is the Volume
Control for the bridge pickup. It controls the loudness
of this pickup.
• The next control is the 3-way Pickup Selector. It is used to switch
the two pickups on or off. Switching the selector up will engage
the neck pickup. The middle position engages both pickups,
and switching it down will engage the bridge pickup.
• The next control is the Volume Control for the neck pickup. It controls
the output of this pickup.
• The final control is the Master Tone Control. This changes the tonal
characteristics of the pickup(s) currently engaged.
NJ and Innovator Series basses
NJ Basses come equipped with 2 split-coil pickups with an active EQ system.
Innovator Basses come equipped with 2 EMG-HZ passive pickups with an
Active EQ System. Both Active EQ Systems use a 9-volt alkaline battery for
power. For longer battery life, always unplug your bass when not in use.
Step 6:
If you're ready to float the tremolo,
check your tuning one last time and
make any needed adjustments using
the range tuner set screw. Then, back
the tremolo stop set screw away from
the spring block. This will cause the
bridge to tilt back toward the body of
the guitar and all the strings will go
sharp. This is normal.
Step 7:
You must now retune the guitar, this
time using a Phillips screwdriver to
turn the spring claw screws counter-
clockwise to loosen the spring tension
(If you added an extra spring to pull
the spring block against the tremolo
stop screw you should remove it first.)
Step 8:
The good news is that you only have
to retune one string. Pluck the string
you want to tune (Typically the "A"
string for this procedure) and then,
while watching the tuner, loosen first
one claw screw then the other claw
screw the same amount.
Check the tuning and repeat until the
string is in tune. When you get the
string you chose in tune the other
strings will be in tune. This assumes
that all the strings were in tune before
you released the tremolo stop.
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