Display Title Description
Landscape Used for the wide scenic views.
Sunset Enhance the red hue for recording sunset images.
Backlight Shooting the image of backlight object by changing metering.
Capture the most brilliant smile of characters.
Kids Take a still image to capture moving kids.
Night Scene Shooting the subject while keeping the background night scenery.
Fireworks Slow shutter speed to take fireworks exploding.
Snow Used for the beach or snow scenes.
Food Higher saturation makes food more appetizing.
Building Enhance the edges of the subject.
Text Enhance the black & white contrast.
Selecting the ASM mode
Set the camera to the REC mode
( page 13).
y It cannot be switch to ASM mode
while in Movie or Voice REC
Launch the ASM mode.
y Press the ASM button (n) to
toggle switch between Aperture
Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual
Exposure mode.
y For detail operation