We recommend that you reverse
doors before switching on for the first
Tools required: Small and medium size
flat and cross-headed screwdrivers, a
pair of pliers.
Spare Parts supplied in the plastic
bag: The following parts, which are
exclusively for left hand side fitted hinge
operation are supplied in a plastic bag
with the appliance:
- Upper door top trim hinge covers –
there are 2 different parts, one for each
side of top trim.
- Upper door middle hinge bushing/
door stopper assembly.
We suggest you keep all the parts
supplied in the plastic bag and also
parts, which have been removed when
reversing doors, in a safe place for
possible future, re-use.
IMPORTANT: We suggest you ask
somebody to help you when moving
the appliance around and to hold doors
when removing / re-fitting hinges and
doors to avoid any injury and damage
to the product.
Please refer to diagrams supplied. To
follow numbers in brackets below, refer
to the main diagram.
1. Switch off the appliance at the
socket outlet and pull out the mains
2. Remove all loose items and
fittings and food, if any, from inside the
appliance and door racks.
3. Gently prise off plastic hinge
cover of upper door top trim using a
small flat-headed screwdriver. (1)
4. Gently tilt the appliance back
against a strong wall on its rear side
sufficiently to allow the lower hinge to
be r e m o v e d .
Take care to protect the appliance,
your wall and floor coverings. You can
utilise the original
packaging to do this. Once you tilt the
appliance back, check to make sure the
appliance is completely
stable and safe before you carry on. (2)
5. Unscrew and remove the lower
hinge using a cross-headed screwdriver
while holding the lower door
6. Remove lower door carefully
off the middle hinge and stand door
upright in a safe place.(4)
7. Open upper door and unscrew
and remove the middle hinge while
holding the upper door firmly. Use
a flat-headed
screwdriver. Middle hinge will need to
be rotated 180 degrees before re-fitting
on the opposite side.
8. Remove upper door carefully
off the upper hinge and stand door
upright in a safe place.(6)
9. Unscrew and remove the upper
hinge using a flat-headed screwdriver.
10. Rotate the upper hinge 180
degrees and then unscrew and remove
the hinge pin using a pair of pliers and
re-fit to opposite side of hinge.