9 Guarantee
against the cost of breakdown repairs
for twelve months from the date of the
original purchase.
What is covered?
• Repairsnecessaryasaresultoffaulty
materials, defective components or
manufacturing defect.
• Thecostoffunctionalreplacement
parts, but excluding consumable
• ThelabourcostsofaBekoapproved
repairer to carry out the repair.
What is not covered?
• Transit,deliveryoraccidentaldamage
or misuse and abuse.
• Cabinetorappearanceparts,
including knobs, flaps, handles or
container lids.
• Accessoriesorconsumableitems
including but not limited to, ice trays,
scrapers, cutlery baskets, filters and
light bulbs.
• Repairsrequiredasaresultof
unauthorised repair or inexpert
installation that fails to meet the
requirements contained in the user
instruction book.
• Repairstoproductsusedon
commercial or non-residential
household premises.
• Lossoffrozenfoodinfreezersor
is often included within your
household contents insurance policy,
or may be available separately from
Important notes.
• YourBekoproductisdesignedand
built for domestic household use only.
• Theguaranteewillbevoidifthe
product is installed or used in
commercial or non-residential
domestic household premises.
• Theproductmustbecorrectly
installed, located and operated in
accordance with the instructions
contained in the User Instructions
Booklet provided.
• Professionalinstallationbyaqualified
Electrical Domestic Appliance Installer
is recommended for all Washing
• GasCookersmustonlybeinstalled
registered Gas Installer.
• Theguaranteeisgivenonlywithinthe
and the Republic of Ireland.
• Theguaranteeisapplicableonlyto
new products and is not transferable
if the product is resold.
• Bekodisclaimsanyliabilityfor
incidental or consequential damages.
• Theguaranteedoesnotinanyway
diminish your statutory or legal rights.
Should you experience any difficulty in
obtaining service please contact the
Beko Customer Help-Line.