32 / 36 EN
Washing Machine / User‘s Manual
Washing performance is poor: Oily stains appeared on the laundry.
• Regulardrumcleaningisnotapplied.>>>Clean the drum regularly. For this, please see 7.2.
Washing performance is poor: Clothes smell unpleasantly.(**)
• Odoursandbacterialayersareformedonthedrumasaresultofcontinuouswashingatlowertemperaturesand/
orinshortprogrammes.>>>Leave the detergent drawer as well as the loading door of the machine ajar after
each washing. Thus, a humid environment favorable for bacteria cannot occur in the machine.
Colour of the clothes faded.(**)
• Excessivelaundrywasloadedin.>>>Do not load the machine in excess.
• Detergentinuseisdamp.>>>Keep detergents closed in an environment free of humidity and do not expose
them to excessive temperatures.
• Ahighertemperatureisselected.>>>Select the proper programme and temperature according to the type and
soiling degree of the laundry.
It does not rinse well.
• Theamount,brandandstorageconditionsofthedetergentusedareinappropriate.>>>Use a detergent
appropriate for the washing machine and your laundry. Keep detergents closed in an environment free of
humidity and do not expose them to excessive temperatures.
• Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>If detergent is put in the prewash compartment although
prewash cycle is not selected, machine can take this detergent during rinsing or softener step. Put the detergent
in the correct compartment.
• Pumpfilterisclogged.>>>Check the filter.
• Drainhoseisfolded.>>>Check the drain hose.
Laundry became stiff after washing.(**)
• Insufficientamountofdetergentisused.>>>Using insufficient amount of detergent for the water hardness can
cause the laundry to become stiff in time. Use appropriate amount of detergent according to the water hardness.
• Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>If detergent is put in the prewash compartment although
prewash cycle is not selected, machine can take this detergent during rinsing or softener step. Put the detergent
in the correct compartment.
• Detergentmightbemixedwiththesoftener.>>>Do not mix the softener with detergent. Wash and clean the
dispenser with hot water.
Laundry does not smell like the softener.(**)
• Detergentisputinthewrongcompartment.>>>If detergent is put in the prewash compartment although
prewash cycle is not selected, machine can take this detergent during rinsing or softener step. Wash and clean
the dispenser with hot water. Put the detergent in the correct compartment.
• Detergentmightbemixedwiththesoftener.>>>Do not mix the softener with detergent. Wash and clean the
dispenser with hot water.
Detergent residue in the detergent drawer.(**)
• Detergentisputinwetdrawer.>>>Dry the detergent drawer before putting in detergent.
• Detergenthasgottendamp.>>>Keep detergents closed in an environment free of humidity and do not expose
them to excessive temperatures.
• Waterpressureislow.>>>Check the water pressure.
• Thedetergentinthemainwashcompartmentgotwetwhiletakingintheprewashwater.Holesofthedetergent
compartmentareblocked.>>>Check the holes and clean if they are clogged.
• Thereisaproblemwiththedetergentdrawervalves.>>>Call the Authorized Service Agent.
• Detergentmightbemixedwiththesoftener.>>>Do not mix the softener with detergent. Wash and clean the
dispenser with hot water.