To use the mixer with the whisk attachments/dough hooks
please insert A into the right-hand side, and B into the left-
hand side. You should always follow this rule to avoid cau-
sing any damage.
0-Position:the motor is switched off.
Positions 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5: different speed settings.
Press TURBO to use a faster speed and achieve greater efciency. If you press
TURBO, the mixer automatically switches to a faster speed.
• The dough hooks are specially shaped, so that dough is prevented from moving
upwards. For this reason they can only be attached onto the machine at one
end. Push the dough hooks with the smaller ring into the larger sockets on your mixer.
• Please see also the tips, so that you will be able to enjoy using your mixer even more.
5 beating/kneading egg whites Whisk attachments
whipped cream Whisk attachments
potatoes Whisk attachments
bread Dough hooks
4 beating confectionery Whisk attachments
3 mixing pâté Dough hooks
icing Whisk attachments
2 blending /folding biscuits Whisk attachments
cakes Whisk attachments
butter and sugar Whisk attachments
meat rissoles Dough hooks
1 stirring dry ingredients Whisk attachments
Spraying or spills can be avoided in the following way:
• Before switching on the mixer, lower the whisk attachments or dough hooks into
the ingredients you would like to mix, then gradually increase the speed.
• Always use the recommended speed setting to ensure the best results.
• Always use power setting 5 when mixing or kneading heavy dough.
• After use place the whisk attachments/dough hooks in water immediately, as
this makes cleaning easier.
• Do not keep the mixer switched on for longer than 15 minutes without a break.