
To cover Rice Bowl, use about a 7”
width of foil. Place the length over
Bowl and across the handles; press
length down and against outside of
handles. Extend width of foil just
beyond opposite sides of Bowl; leave
a little space between foil and edge of
Bowl. (Figure E)
To move Bowl, grip top of foil-covered
handles and carefully lift Rice Bowl.
Figure E
NOTE: The water levels in the Base of the Steamer are as follows:
Lo level = 1 1/2 cups or 12 ounces
Medium level = 2 1/2 cups or 20 ounces
High level = 4 cups or 32 ounces
Weight, as specified for some vegetables in the Guide, is the purchased weight of
the food before it is trimmed, peeled, or cleaned.
Freshness, size/uniformity, and quantity will affect steaming time and quality of results.
Use crisp, firm vegetables.
Select uniform foods or cut pieces as evenly as possible.
Use amounts as recommended in the Steaming Guide.
Stirring is recommended when steaming some foods. Use a long handled spoon to stir.
Steam foods until just crisp, tender for best flavor and food value.
Season vegetables after steaming.
Weight/Or Use Use Water Approx.
Fresh Number Rice Drip Fill Line Time
Vegetables Pieces Bowl Tray In Base (Minutes) Tips
Artichokes, 5-6 medium No Yes Hi 38-40
Trim top, tips and bottom
so each sits flat.
Pull open slightly and soak
in water (10 mins.) to clean.
Use tongs to remove from
Steaming Bowl.