
 
    
 Yes 275°F 4-6 Melt 1 tbsp. butter or margarine in
skillet and spread over surface; fry eggs
135°C fry eggs until done. Turn as desired.
 Yes 250°F 4-6 Melt 1 tbsp. butter or margarine and
 121°C spread over surface. For 8 eggs, beat
thoroughly with
4 cup milk or water,
2 tsp. salt,
dash pepper. When mixture begins to set, stir bottom
and sides until eggs are cooked to suit
personal taste.
 Yes 375°F 5-8 Dip fish in mixture of 1 beaten egg and
 191°C 1 tbsp. milk, then in 1 cup seasoned
bread crumbs. Add 2 tbsp. oil to
preheated skillet. Fry fillets until golden
brown on both sides.
 No 325°F 12-14 Place in COLD skillet. Turn carefully to
163°C avoid breaking skin; turn often until
browned on all sides.
 Yes 350°F 2-4 Beat 2 eggs thoroughly with 2 tbsp.
177°C milk and
4 tsp. salt. Dip bread slices in
mixture, turning so both sides are
coated Lightly grease preheated skillet.
Add bread, brown on one side; then
the other.
 Yes 325°F 5-8 Slash fat edge at 2” (5 cm) intervals to
 163°C prevent curling. Fry ham on both sides
 until lightly browned.
 Yes 350°F 12-15 med Add patties to preheated skillet. Brown
 177°C 16 -20 well on both sides, turning once.
 done
 Yes 350°F 2-4 Prepare your favorite pancake recipe.
177°C Lightly grease preheated skillet with
vegetable oil. For each pancake, use
4 cup batter. Turn when bubbles
appear on top surface and edges look
dry. Brown on other side.
 Yes 350°F 10 Trim off fatty edges. Brown chops,
 177°C turning once. Reduce temperature
 Brown to 250°F (121°C). Cover and cook
 250°F 15-25 cook until well done, but not dry.
 
    
 Yes 350°F 25-30 Place in 2-3 tablespoons hot bacon fat
 177°C or vegetable oil. Cook and brown,
 turning frequently.
 No 350°F 6-8 Spread cheese or other favorite filling
177°C between bread slices. Lightly spread
softened butter or margarine on outside
of bread; place in COLD skillet. Grill
each side until browned, about 3-4
 No 325°F 15-25 Place in COLD skillet; turn  and
 163°C  until golden brown and well done,
 but not dry. Links take slightly longer
than patties.
 Yes 350°F 3-8 Slash edges to prevent curling, if
 177°C necessary. Add steaks and cook to
 desired doneness. Thicker steaks take
 slightly longer.
Because of variations in Skillets and cuts of meat and poultry, it is important to use a
meat thermometer when roasting to accurately determine internal temperature. To test
temperature, insert thermometer into the thickest piece of meat or poultry, making sure
it does not touch a bone or any part of the Skillet.
 
   
 400°F 30 mins. browning Preheat skillet at 400°F (204°C); add 1-2 tbsp.
 204°C time oil. Brown meat on all sides. Drain
 Brown fat from skillet. Reduce temperature to
 300°F 40-45 mins./lb.(kg) 300°F (154°C). Cover, with vent closed. Cook,
154°C cooking time turning every
2 hour, until meat is tender.
Roast Save drippings for gravy if desired.
 375°F 30 mins. browning Preheat skillet to 375°F (191°C). Brown
 191°C time chicken on all sides. Reduce temperature to
 Brown 300°F (154°C). Drain off accumulated fat, if
 300°F 1:30-1:45 hours desired. Cover skillet, with vent open. Halfway
 154°C through cooking period, turn chicken and
Roast roast until well done.
 400°F 30 min. browning Preheat skillet at 400°F (204°C); add 1-2 tbsp.
 204°C time oil; brown roast on all sides. Reduce
 Brown temperature to 300°F (154°C). Drain off
300°F 2 hours accumulated fat. Cover, with vent open.
154°C cooking time Turn about every
2 hour during cooking.
Roast Roast well done.