1 1. Mr. Cl
2. Mrs. 0
3. Ms. 0 4.
Miss 0 ‘74A
First Name: Initial:
Last Name: -
I I 1 / I
li I-1 I
Address: (Number and Street)
Apt. #:
//I, I! /, I1 II/II/ AIlI ,I I
Phone#:/ , , I,
1 , , , , , , I 3DateofPurchase:l , I1 , , / /
Mash thy Year
Store Name: I , 1 l.-IImi-iLm I I I : ~-
Where did you make your purchase?
1. Cl Car audio store
3. Cl Superstore 5. Cl Catalogue/mail order
2. Cl Automobile dealer 4. 0 Department store
6. Cl Other
Check the two (2) most important reasons you chose Blaupunkt over the competition:
I .Cl Friend/Family recommendation 6. Cl Styling/Appearance
11. Cl Blaupunkt Reputation
2.0 Salesperson recommendation
7. 0 Tuner quality/features 12. Cl Detachable Face
3.0 Tape player quality/features 8. 0 Blaupunkt warranty 13. Cl Magazine review
4.0 CD player quality/features 9. 0 Convenient installation
14. Cl Value for price
5.0 Ease of use/location of controls 10. Cl Sound quality
0 other (Describe in comments)
In what vehicle will this Blaupunkt product be installed?
Make: / , , , , i / , I Model: 1 , , , I , I 1 ; Year: , / / 1
example: Ford
example: Mustang example: 1965
How did you first learn about Blaupunkt?
1 .Cl Friend/relative 5. Cl Radio ad
15 Including yourself, what is the U number of
2.0 Salesperson
6. Cl Newspaper ad
people living in your household?
3.0 Magazine article 7. Cl Magazine ad
1 (EXAMPLES: 01,02,03,04 . . . ..I , J
4.0 In-store display 8. Cl Not sure
16 NOT including yourself, what are the AGES of
When did you make your decision on which
model to buy? 1. 0 Before coming to the store
a people living in your household?
2. 0 At the store
Ape (in vearsl
What brand was your second choice?
1. Cl Alpine 6. Cl JVC 11.0 Sony
2.0 Audiovox 7.0 Kenwood 12. 0 Other
3. 0 Clarion 8.0 Panasouic 13. 0 None Fakde: III Ii L--J
4. 0 Eclipse 9.0 Pioneer
5. Cl Jensen
10.0 Rockford-Fosgate
17 Marital Status: 1.0 Married 2.0 Single
Who installed this product?
1 .O Store where the product was purchased
2.0 I did it myself
4. 0 Independent installer
3.0 Friend or relative 5. 0 Other
Which of these nroducts do vou ulan to bur
1.0 Under $l5,000 5. Cl $5O,oG0-574,999
2.0 515,000-$24,999
6. 0 575,ooo-599,999
3.0 525,G00-534,999
7. 0 $lOO,OOO-149,999
4.0 $35,~549,999 8.0 Over 5150,ooO
in the future? &heck all that gppl,)
1.0 None
4.0 Amplifier 6.0 Eqd ‘9
In the last six(6) months have you or your spouse:
2.0 Front speakers 5. Cl Subwoofer 7. 0 CD changer
1 .O Purchased clothes through tbe mail?
3.0 Rear speakers
2.0 Purchased gifts through the mail?
3.0 Worked in your garden?
Dateof~birth: j , Ji , ,, , 1
4.0 Traveled on vacation?
5.0 Purchased a PC or PC software?
Day Year
6.0 Purchased two or more books?
Education (Please check which category applies):
7.0 Purchased cassettes/CDs?
High School 3. 0 Completed College 8.0 Donated to wildlife/environmental causes?
2. 0 Some College 4. 0 Graduate School 9.0 Donated to charities