1. Mr. 0 2. Mrs. Cl
3. Ms. Cl
First Name:
4. Miss q
174A 1”,;,,1
Last Name:
Address: (Number and Street)
Phone #:
Store Name:
Where did you make your purchase?
I, 0 Car audio store
3. IJ Superstore
S. 0 Catalogue/mail order
2. 0 Automobile dealer 4. 0 Department store
6. q Other
Check the two (2) most important reasons you chose Blaupunkt over the competition:
I .O Friend/Family recommendation
6. 0 Styling/Appearance
11. 0 Blaupunkt Reputation
2.0 Salesperson recommendation
7. Cl Tuner quality/features
12. •i Detachable Face
3.0 Tape player quality/features
8. El Blaupunkt warranty
13. Cl Magazine review
4.0 CD player quality/features
9. Cl Convenient installation
14. 0 Value for price
5.0 Ease of use/location of controls
IO. q Sound quality
15. 0 Other
(Desmbe m comments)
In what vehicle will this Blaupunkt product be installed?
Model: _ Year: I ~8
~ L--l
example. Ford
example: Mustang
example: 1965
How did you first learn about Blaupunkt?
IL, Including vourself, what is the total number of
I .O Friend/relative
5. Cl Radio ad
2.0 Salesperson 6. 0 Newspaper ad
people living in your household?
3.0 Magazme article 7. 0 Magazine ad
02, 03, 04 _....)
4.0 In-store di\pla) 8. 0 Not sure
,$1:8 NOT including vourself, what are the AGES of
When did you make your decision on which
model to buy?
I. Cl Before coming to the store
other people living in your household?
7. q At the store
Aee (in vears,
What brand was your second choice?
I. 0 Alpine 6. q JVC
II. q Sony
I It L
i in:
2. 0 Audiovox 7.0 Kenwood 12. 0 Other
3. q Clarion
8. q Panasonic 13. Cl None
I 1~ !1_1
~~ i--L-i
4. q Eclipse 9.0 Pioneer
5. q Jensen IO. 0 Rockford-Fosgate
I: ;;’
Marital Status: 1 .O Married
2.0 Single
Who installed this product? 1 i”-” Which best describes your family income?
I .Cl Store where the product was purchased
I.0 Under $15,000 5. q $50,ooo-$74,999
2.0 I did it myself
4. Cl Independent installer 2.0 $15,000-$24,999 6. 0 $75,000-$99,999
3.0 Friend or relative 5. 0 Other 3.0 $25,ooO-$34,999 7. 0 $lOO,ooO-149,999
Which of these products do you plan to buy
4.0 $35,GK-$49,999 8. q Over $15O,ooO
in the future? (check all that apply)
1.0 None 4. Cl Amplifier 6. Cl Equalizer
a 9 Which best describes your family inaxne?
2.0 Front speakers 5. 0 Subwoofer 7. 0 CDchanger
1 .lJ Purchased clothes through the mail?
3.0 RearsweE speakers
2.0 Purchased gifts through the mail?
3.17 Worked in your garden?
4.0 Traveled on vacation?
~ !-.-LA L-l-.
5.0 Purchased a PC or PC software?
MO”dl Day
6.0 Purchased two or more books?
Education (Please check which category applies):
7.0 Purchased cassettes/CDs?
1.0 High School 3. 0 Completed College 8.0 Donated to wildlife/environmental causes?
2. q Some College
4. Cl Graduate School 9.0 Donated to charities