Displaying the clock time
You can make the system display the
clock time when the device is off and
the vehicle ignition is on.
➮ Press the MENU button 9.
➮ Press the softkey 5 assigned to
the “CLOCK” display item.
➮ Press the softkey 5 assigned to
the “OFFCLOCK” display item.
“SHOW CLOCK” means that the clock
time will be displayed; “HIDE CLOCK”
means it will not be displayed.
This device is equipped with a DEQ
Max digital equalizer. It provides you
with three self-calibrating 5-band equal-
izers and five sound presets.
The EQ1 - EQ3 equalizers can be cal-
ibrated automatically with the help of a
special calibration microphone (avail-
able as an optional accessory from
specialist retailers). If you like, you can
then adjust the automatically ascer-
tained values manually.
Furthermore, you can also configure
all of the equalizer settings manually.
The following bands are available:
● LOW 1 20 - 250 Hz
● LOW 2 20 - 250 Hz
● HIGH 1 320 - 20 000 Hz
● HIGH 2 320 - 20 000 Hz
● HIGH 3 320 - 20 000 Hz
You can adjust the level for one fre-
quency of a band in steps of 25 rang-
ing from -12 dB to +12 dB. In addition,
you can set the quality factor “Q” in
three steps ranging from 1 to 3.
2.Bronx_MP75_gb 16.08.2005, 14:22 Uhr76