
Barcelona RCM 104A
Entering/displaying CD names
With this system you can name up to 99 CDs.
When playing a CD, the dis play will then give
you the entered name, for example
Precondition: NAME must be selected under
To enter the name:
First, switch off the priority for traffic an-
nouncements. Otherwise the entry will be
deleted if an announcement is broadcast.
Press the TA button to switch the “TA” dis-
play off.
Be sure that at least one CD is inserted in the
CD magazine.
Press SRC to change to CDC.
Press DSC.
Press the rocker switch
/ until “CD
NAME” is displayed.
Press the -dB button.
The first character position is flashing.
Use the rocker switch
/ to enter the
first letter, special character or digit
from 0-9.
Use the rocker switch <<>> to change
to the next position and select a cha-
Each name may have up to 7 characters.
To finish the entry:
Press -dB. The entry is stored and you
can now select another DSC function
using the rocker switch
/ .
Press DSC. The entry is stored and the
DSC mode is automatically quit.
To store the entry/choose the next CD:
Press -dB and select the next CD to be
named using <<>>.
Press -dB and enter a name.
Any specified name will be deleted by re-
assigning it with a new CD name.
Deleting CD names
If you try to store more than 99 CD names,
“FULL” will be shown in the display. In this
case you can use DSC to delete the name of
one or more CDs in order to get new memory
Use the CDC-UPD function to confirm all
CDs, the names of which you wish to main-
tain. All the other names will be deleted.
Press DSC.
Insert a magazine with the CDs, the
names of which you wish to maintain.
/ until “CDC UPD” is display-
Press <<>> and “LOAD CD” is display-
After having read in the CDs of this magazi-
ne, “NEXT MAG” appears in the display.
Press the EJECT button on the CD
changer and insert the next magazine.
Repeat these steps for all CDs, the names of
which you wish to maintain.
To finish your entry, press -dB for
about 2 sec. until “UPDATING” is dis-
played. The updating process is com-
pleted when the display shows
The names of all CDs inserted in the maga-
zine remain stored in the memory. The other
CD names have been deleted.
You can interrupt this process by pressing