Keep your car radio pass with the code
number in a safe place in order to avoid “un-
authorised access” to your car radio.
If the security code system is activated, the
unique code must be entered each time the
power supply was interrupted.
The radio will be operable again as soon as
you have entered the correct code.
If you have lost your radio pass and forgot-
ten the code number, your radio can only
be restarted by one of our authorised serv-
ice workshops. This is a chargeable serv-
Switching on security coding
To activate the coding system:
• Turn off the radio.
• Press and hold down preset buttons 1
and 4 simultaneously, and
• switch the set on.
“CODE” will appear.
• Release preset buttons 1 and 4.
• Enter the code number given in the
Blaupunkt car radio pass and confirm
your entry as described in “Restart ...”
Now the security coding system is active.
The display will briefly show “CODE” each
time the set is turned on.
Antitheft protection
This car radio is supplied with inactive code
protection. In order to switch the security
coding system on, proceed as described on
the following pages.
If the coding system is active while the power
supply to the system is interrupted (e.g. theft,
disconnection of the car battery), the set will
be electronically blocked. In such a case it
can only be made operable again by enter-
ing the correct code number given in the car
radio pass.
Entry of a wrong code number
It should not be possible for a thief to find
out the correct code number by trial and er-
ror. This is why the set will be blocked for a
certain period of time after a wrong code
number has been entered. The display will
show “CODE ERR” and then “WAIT”.
After the first three unsuccessful attempts,
the system will shut down for 10 sec.; after
further attempts, the waiting time extends
to one hour.
After 19 unsuccessful attempts, the display
will show “OFF”. In this case you can no
longer restart the unit.
Re-start following an interrup-
tion of the power supply
(coding system is activated)
• Turn on the radio.
The display shows “CODE”.
• Briefly press preset button 1; the dis-
play shows “0000”.
• Enter the code number given in the
Blaupunkt car radio pass:
Example: The code number is 2521.
- Press preset button 1 twice; the dis-
play shows “2000”.
- Press preset button 2 five times; the
display shows “2500”.
- Press preset button 3 twice; the dis-
play shows “2520”.
- Press preset button 4 once; the dis-
play shows “2521”.
• To confirm the code number:
Press the rocker switch >.
If you have entered the correct code, the
unit will now be ready for use.
However, if the display shows “CODE ERR”
and then “WAIT”, you have entered a wrong
number. The unit will switch off when the
waiting time has elapsed. Turn it on again
and re-enter the correct code.
If you switch off the set while it is blocked,
the waiting time will start to count from zero
again as soon as the radio is turned back on.
Saint Malo RCM127 gb® 16.05.2002, 13:41 Uhr29