After the beep press ON. The unit will
switch on.
After the unit has played for an hour, it
will switch off automatically to prevent
the vehicle battery from running down.
3 Adjusting the volume
Turn the knob to adjust the volume.
The volume setting will appear in the
top line of the display. When the unit is
switched on, it will play at a pre-de-
fined volume (VOL).
VOL can be adjusted as well (refer to
“DSC programming - VAR, VOL”).
4 Softkeys / Display
Softkey = a key with changing func-
You can select the functions which ap-
pear in the display.
Radio operation
Switching between the menu levels
During radio operation, you can press
TU to switch between menu level 1
and menu level 2.
Menu level 1 contains four pages
(FM1, FM2, FM3, FMT) which can be
used to store radio stations. Press
NEXT to switch to the next page.
Menu level 2 has two pages containing
functions related to radio operation.
Page 1 includes FM, TS, TA, AM, PS,
Page 2 includes AF, LOC, PTY, REG,
RT, MONO. Press PRE or NEXT to
switch between the pages.
The unit will switch back to menu level
1 automatically 8 sec. after the last key
has been pressed.
Menu level 1
Station keys and memory banks
Switches between FM1, FM2, FM3,
Switches between the MW and LW
Keys 1 - 6
To store and recall radio stations on
the FM waveband: FM1, FM2, FM3,
It is possible to store and recall 6 sta-
tions each on the MW and LW wave-
To store stations: Press the key for ap-
prox. 1 sec.
To recall stations: Press the key brief-
Quick Reference