
DCN Next Generation Video Display en | 3
Bosch Security Systems B.V. | 2005 January | 9922 141 70451
Table of contents
Video Display .............................................................. 4
1.1 About Video Display .............................................. 4
1.1.1 What is Video Display?......................................... 4
2 Starting and exiting Video Display................... 5
The Video Display icon ......................................... 5
2.1 Exiting Video Display ............................................. 5
3 DDE links....................................................................... 6
3.1 Introduction.............................................................. 6
3.1.1 DDE link naming conventions.............................. 6
3.1.2 NETDDE link naming conventions...................... 6
3.2 DDE link specifications ......................................... 7
3.2.1 Topic = SESSION ................................................. 7
Topic = SESSION, data-item = NAMES ......... 7
Topic = SESSION, data-item = GROUPS...... 7
Topic = SESSION, data-item = COUNTRIES 7
Topic = SESSION, data-item = AUTH ............. 8
3.2.2 Topic = VOTING .................................................... 8
Topic = VOTING, data-item = NUM.................. 8
Topic = VOTING, data-item = NAME ............... 8
Topic = VOTING, data-item = SUBJECT ........ 8
Topic = VOTING, data-item = KIND ................. 9
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWLEG...... 9
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWTXT....... 9
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSWCOR .... 9
Topic = VOTING, data-item = DISPSET........10
Topic = VOTING, data-item = STATE ............10
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RVT .................10
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ROLLCALL....10
Topic = VOTING, data-item = TOTGRP##..11
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ANSGRP## .11
Topic = VOTING, data-item = VOTGRP##..11
Topic = VOTING, data-item = IRES................11
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESWIN# .....12
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESQUO#....12
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESMAJ#......12
Topic = VOTING, data-item = RESAPPR......13
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ACTQUO.......13
Topic = VOTING, data-item = ACTMAJ.........13
3.2.3 Topic = MICRO ....................................................13
Topic = MICRO, data-item = MIC##..............13
Topic = MICRO, data-item = RTS## .............14
Topic = MICRO, data-item = RTSL.................14
Topic = MICRO, data-item = CR# ..................14
3.2.4 Topic = ATTREG..................................................15
Topic = ATTREG, data-item = TOTALS.........15
Topic = ATTREG, data-item = ATTEND ........15
3.2.5 Topic = MESSAGE .............................................15
Topic = MESSAGE, data-item = HALL..........15