Parts and Hardware Lists
3, 5, and 7 Series Treadmills' Parts List, Treadmill Hardware List,
and Assembly Instructions
Assembly of the Bowflex
3, 5, or 7 Series Treadmill is divided into 5 easy stages; each comprised of only a few setup steps. Before
proceeding with the assembly, please read over the easy to follow instructions to familiarize yourself with the process. You will
need the following:
• Flat area of 4’ x 8’ to assemble and properly use the Bowflex
3, 5, or 7 Series Treadmill.
• Two people to assemble the treadmill.
• 5 mm Allen wrench (supplied)
• Phillips head screw driver (supplied)
• Silicon Lube (supplied)
Also, to ensure quick and easy set up of the Bowflex
3, 5, or 7 Series Treadmill, please verify the size and quantity of each of the
enclosed assembly hardware. Included are parts lists and images of the hardware.
Parts and Hardware Lists