Chest Exercises
Decline Bench Press — Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (and elbow extension)
Incline Bench Press — Shoulder Horizontal Adduction (and elbow extension)
Muscles worked:
Pectoralis Major; Deltoids; Triceps
Bench Position:
45˚ incline
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
• Maintain a 90° angle between your upper
arms and torso at the start of the motion,
and slightly less than 90° at the finish.
• Keep knees bent, feet on floor, head back
against bench.
• Do not let your elbows travel behind your
• Keep shoulder blades pinched together
and maintain good spinal alignment.
• Grasp Hand Grips in both
• Cables travel above forearms.
Keep your forearms in line with
the cables at all times.
• Bend your elbows back, keeping
upper arms at a 90° angle from
torso. Forearms 10-15° (6-8" or
13-20 cm) higher than Bench
Press position.
• Raise chest, pinch shoulder
blades together, and maintain a
slight arch in your lower back.
• Slowly press your hands forward,
straightening your arms and
moving hands to the center and
downward, at least 10° above
your shoulders.
• Slowly return to the starting
position, keeping your wrists
steady and your movements slow
and controlled.
Muscles worked:
Pectoralis Major; Deltoids; Triceps
Bench Position:
45˚ incline
Hand Grips
Chest Bar
Success Tips
• Maintain a 90° angle between your upper
arms and torso at the start of the motion,
and slightly less than 90° at the finish.
• Keep knees bent, feet on floor, head back
against bench.
• Do not let your elbows travel behind your
• Keep shoulder blades pinched together
and maintain good spinal alignment.
• Grasp Hand Grips in both hands.
• Cables travel beneath arms,
forearms aligned with cables.
• Bend your elbows back, keeping
upper arms at a 90° angle from
your torso. Elbows should be 10°
(5-6" or 13-15 cm) lower than the
standard Bench Press position.
• Raise chest, pinch shoulder
blades together, and maintain a
comfortable arch in lower back.
• Slowly press your hands forward,
straightening your arms while
moving your hands to the center
and downward, at least 10° below
your shoulders. Do not lock your
• Slowly return to the starting
position, keeping your wrists
steady and your movements slow
and controlled.