Leg Exercises
Prone (Lying face down) Leg Curls
• Set up the leg curl attachment with the bar up as
shown, and the bench flat.
• Lie face down on the bench with your lower
thighs on the pad, the knees near the pivot point
and the ankles under the foam roller pads.
• Point your knees straight down and tighten your
inner thigh muscles (as if you are squeezing
them together) to stabilize.
• Place your hands on the bench for stability and
your forehead on the bench or turned to the
side. Do not look up hyper-extending your neck.
• Tighten your abs to prevent spinal motion and
very slightly lift your thighs off the pad.
• Slowly bend your knees,
upward and then toward your
hips without moving your
spine and without lifting your
hips from the bench.
• Keep the hamstring tight.
Slowly straighten the legs,
returning to the Start position
without losing muscle tension.
• Do not allow them to fully
straighten or lock out.
Muscles worked:
Bench Position:
Flat with leg curl attachment
Leg Extension (Refer to instructions
for hooking up the cables for leg
Adjustable Arm Position:
Success Tips
• Make sure you straighten your legs
under control; do not allow your
knees to hyper- extend.
• Keep the chest lifted, abs tight and
maintain a very slight arch in the
lower back.
• Try to relax the calf and foot
muscles focusing on the hamstrings.
Leg Extension
• Sit on the Leg Extension Seat
with your knees near the pivot
point and the lower roller pads
in front of your shins (see Start
image above).
• Adjust your thighs to hip-width,
pointing your knee caps forward.
• Grasp the sides of the seat to
stabilize yourself.
• Sit up straight, chest lifted, abs
tight and a slight arch in your
lower back.
• Tighten your quads and slowly
straighten your legs, moving
your feet forward then upward
until your legs are completely
straight and your kneecaps
point upward to the ceiling.
• Slowly reverse the motion,
returning to the Start position
without relaxing your quads.
Muscles worked:
Bench Position:
Leg Extension Seat
Leg Extension (refer to instructions for
hooking up the cables for leg exercises);
Leg Press Seat Back (optional)
Adjustable Arm Position:
Success Tips
• Use slow, controlled motion—do not
“kick” into the extension.
• Do not let your knees rotate outward
during the exercise. Keep kneecaps
pointing up and straight forward.
• For additional stability, rest your back
against the Leg Press Seat Back. (Refer
to instructions for attaching the Leg
Press Seat Back accessory.)