Bravo Health Adult Prevention and Screening Guidelines - 2008
This chart of suggested services has been adapted from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Recommendations, American Diabetes Association, and American Medical Association by Bravo
Health Clinicians. It is intended to provide guidance to practitioners in selecting appropriate prevention and screening services for Bravo Health Members. It contains guidelines only and should never
supersede clinical judgment. The practitioner in conjunction with the patient or responsible party should decide whether these or other recommended services should be performed more frequently,
less frequently, or not at all. As with all services provided to Bravo Health Members, the clinical judgment and the discussion around it should be documented in the medical record. (March 17, 2006)
Females Only
Males Only
Frequency Health Maintenance Frequency
Pelvic exam and
pap smear
At least every three years up to age 70. Prostate Cancer screening
• Digital rectal screening
Case – by - Case basis
Case – by - Case basis
Breast examination Yearly Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
• Abdominal ultrasonography
Screening for men aged 65-75
years who have ever smoked
Mammography Every 1-2 for women age 40 and older
Yearly for women age 50 and older
Osteoporosis Routine screening beginning at age 65. Screening for women with increased
risk for osteoporotic fractures beginning at age 60
Health Maintenance
Physical Assessment Within 30 days of enrollment & yearly
Height & Weight Yearly
Blood Pressure Each visit and at least yearly
Lipid Profile Initial assessment & periodically
Thyroid screening Initial assessment & periodically
Diabetes screening Initial assessment & every 3 years. Earlier for high risk
patients at the discretion of the physician
Obesity screening (BMI) Initial assessment & yearly
Screening for Depression Periodically according to patient’s needs
Hearing screening Periodically according to patient’s needs
Vision screening Periodically according to patient’s needs
Glaucoma screening Periodically according to patient’s needs
Colon Cancer screening
• Colonoscopy
• Fecal Occult Blood
Every 10 years
Aspirin use for the prevention of
cardiovascular events
Discuss with adults who are at increased risk for
cardiovascular disease (men>40 years and post-menopausal
women). Discussions should address both the potential
benefits and harms of aspirin therapy
PPD Periodically according to patient’s needs
Discussion and Counseling
(All Members)
Diet Initial assessment and yearly for obese adults
Exercise Initial assessment and periodically
Physical Activity At least yearly
Tobacco Use At least yearly
Alcohol use At least yearly
Dental health
At least yearly
Fall Prevention At least yearly
Vehicle Safety At least yearly
Safe Sexual Practice At least yearly
Immunization Frequency
Influenza Yearly
Pneumococcal vaccine One dose for persons under 65 who have chronic
disorders of cardiovascular or pulmonary systems,
diabetes, renal dysfunction, or immunosuppression.
One dose for nursing home residents
One dose for person age 65 and older
One dose revaccination for persons age 65 and older
if 5 years or more have past since the last dose
Tetanus-diphtheria booster Every 10 years