Yeast Free Bread is a simple bread and is made using baking powder as the main raising agent (it does not have to be the same
strength as yeast). The following recipes will give Damper or Muffin-Style Breads, which will be heavier in texture and not as highly
risen as yeasted breads.
All recipes use local ingredients and Australian Standard Metric measuring tools (cups, spoons and weighing scales) for accuracy.
There will be a weigh variance in each baked loaf in this section.
The Preset Timer cannot be used for recipes in this section, because the raising agents used in place of yeast could be
prematurely activated and prevent the loaf rising.
All ingredients must be at room temperature. Add ingredients in the order listed in the recipe.
1. Add liquid ingredients to bread pan.
2. Sift dry ingredients together and add to the bread pan. Wipe spills from the outside of the bread pan. Insert bread pan into
baking chamber.
3. Press ‘SELECT’ to access YEAST FREE setting.
4. Press ‘START/PAUSE’ to commence operation.
5. With machine running, use a plastic spatula to scrape mixture from sides, corners and base of bread pan. After ingredients have
mixed together well, close lid and leave the bread machine to complete the program.
6. At the end of the setting, press ‘STOP’.
7. Remove bread from the bread machine and bread pan. Cool bread on rack.