Remote Occupancy
The remote occupancy accessory is a field--installed
accessory. This accessory overrides the unoccupied mode
and puts the unit in occupied mode. When installing this
accessory, the unit must be configured for remote
occupancy by setting MENU
input 3,
5, 8, or 9 to Remote Occupancy and normally open (N/O)
or normally closed (N/C).
Also set MENU
occupancy source to DI
on/off. Input 8 or 9 is recommended for easy of
installation. Refer to Fig. 42 and Table 15 for wire
terminations at J5.
Power Exhaust (output)
Connect the accessory Power Exhaust contactor coil(s) per
Fig. 56.
Power Exhaust
Fig. 56 -- RTU--MP Power Exhaust Connections
Space Relative Humidity
Space Relative Humidity Sensor -- The RH sensor is not
used with 580J models at this time.
Communication Wiring -- Protocols
Protocols are the communication languages spoken by
control devices. The main purpose of a protocol is to
communicate information in the most efficient method
possible. Different protocols exist to provide different
kinds of information for different applications. In the BAS
application, many different protocols are used, depending
on manufacturer. Protocols do not change the function of
a controller; just make the front end user different.
The RTU--MP can be set to communicate on four different
protocols: BACnet, Modbus, N2, and LonWorks. Switch 3
(SW3) on the board is used to set protocol and baud rate.
Switches 1 and 2 (SW1 and SW2) are used to set the
board’s network address. See Fig 57 for the switch setting
per protocol. The 3rd party connection to the RTU--MP is
through plug J19. Refer to the RTU--MP 3rd Party
Integration Guide for more detailed information on
protocols, 3rd party wiring, and networking.
NOTE: Power must be cycled after changing the SW1--3
switch settings.
BACnet Master Slave/Token Passing (MS/TP) is used for
communicating BACnet over a sub--network of
BACnet--only controllers. This is the default Bryant
communications protocol. Each RTU--MP module acts as
an MS/TP Master. The speed of an MS/TP network can
range from 9600 to 76.8K baud. Physical Addresses can
be set from 01 to 99.
The RTU--MP module can speak the Modicon Modbus
RTU Protocol as descri bed in the Modicon Modbus
Protocol Refe rence Guide, PI--MBUS--300 Rev. J. The
speed of a Modbus network can range from 9600 to 76.8K
baud. Physical Addresses can be set from 01 t o 99.
N2 is not a standard protocol, but one that was created by
Johnson Controls, Inc. that has been made open and
avai lable to the public. The speed of N2 network is
limited to only 9600 baud. Physical Addresses can be set
from 01 to 99.
LonWorks is an open protocol that requires the use of
Eche lon’s Neuron microprocessor to encode and decode
the LonWorks packets. In order to reduce the cost of
adding that hardware on every module, a separate
LonWorks Option Card (LON--OC) was designed to
connect to the RTU-- MP.
This accessory card is needed for LonWorks and has to be
ordered and connected using the ribbon cable to plug J15.
The RTU--MP’s baud rate must be set to 38.4k to
communicate with the LON--OC. The address switches
(SW1 & SW2) are not used with LonWorks.
The BACview
is a keypad/display interfa ce used to
connect to the RTU-- MP to access the control information,
read sensor values, and test the RTU. (See Fig. 58. ) This is
an accessory interface that does not come with the MP
controller and c an only be used at the unit. Connect the
to the RTU-- MP’s J12 local access port. There
are 2 password protected levels in the display (User and
Admin). The user password defaults to 0000 but can be
changed. The Admin password is 1111 and cannot be
change d. There is a 10 minute auto logout if a screen is
left idle. See RTU--MP Controls, Start--Up, Operation, and
Troubleshooting Instructions (Form 48--50H--T--2T),
Appendix A for navigation and screen content.