
Slow Brewing
Common Cause(s): too low incoming and uctuating water pressure
Troubleshooting: Check the incoming water pressure.
Repair: Source new water supply to achieve recommended water pressure to the machine. If the location cannot
support recommended water pressure then consider the AutoPOD™ with Booster Pump. This model is intended
for low water pressure applications. Heavier and ne grind pods require more pressure to brew, if the pressure gets
below 25-30 psi they will brew slower. The booster pump in this model will take the incoming water pressure to a high
enough level to correct this issue. These pumps can create 50+ psi, but the pod will determine the actual brewing
pressure (restriction).
Prevention: Be aware of the two AutoPOD™ models and their limitations due to incoming water pressure.
Additional Notes: N/A
Rev. 06/26/09