Page 24 CCRadio2
Troubleshooting Guide
The best AM antenna made today for these buildings is the Twin Coil
AM Antenna by C. Crane shown on page 22
Poor reception on FM, Ham (VHF), or Weather band:
The CCRadio2 uses its telescopic, or “whip” antenna for FM, Ham
(VHF), and the weather bands. To improve reception of these bands,
fully extend the telescopic antenna. Reception of FM and weather
broadcasts is normally improved with the antenna extended straight up.
Note: The antenna must be fully extended to allow it to rotate. You can
also try a piece of any type of insulated wire about 36" long. Remove
about 1" of the insulation from one end of the wire. Wrap the bare wire
around the telescopic antenna or use an alligator clip. Try various orien-
tations of the wire and different heights of the telescopic antenna to
obtain the strongest signal. If you want an antenna that is pre-made, we
recommend the FM Reflect Antenna by C. Crane on page 22 for details.
Battery Power Level Indicator doesn’t show full charge when using
rechargeable batteries:
Rechargeable batteries will never show a full charge on your radioʼs
display. The CCRadio2 is calibrated to read the charge of your Alkaline
batteries, which is 1.5 volts at full charge. Rechargeable batteries, how-
ever, are fully charged at just 1.25 volts, and so your radio will show a
partial charge even if the rechargeable batteries have been fully