Ring Map
3-20 Viewing Ring-level Information
Figure 3-9. The Device Information Window
Setting the Map Poll Interval
You can set the poll interval that controls how often the monitored hub is queried
for changes in the selected ring’s station list. The poll interval is also used to
update the error and performance information that is returned in the Ring Map’s
associated windows.
To set the poll interval:
1. Click on at the top of the Ring Map window.
2. Drag down to Set Polling Interval, and release. The Set Polling Interval
window, Figure 3-10, will appear.
Figure 3-10. Set Polling Interval Window
3. In the Enter Interval field, type in the number of seconds you desire between
polls from your management station to the monitored hub. The poll interval
you enter must be at least 10 seconds; the default is 20 seconds.
4. Click on to accept the interval or to exit without
changing the interval.
Note that the next time the Ring Map application is started, the poll interval will
reset to its default value of 20 seconds.