PM: Touch this screen button when setting the time
in PM.
PST, MST, CST, EST: Touch one of these screen
buttons to choose between Pacific Standard Time (PST),
Mountain Standard Time (MST), Central Standard
Time (CST), and Eastern Standard Time (EST).
GPS TIME: Touch this screen button to match the
navigation system’s time to GPS time.
Daylight Savings: Touch this screen button to increase
the time by one hour. Touch this screen button again
to turn this feature off and decrease the time by
one hour.
y/z: Touch the up arrow to increase the hour or
minutes. Touch the down arrow to decrease the hour or
Screen Appearance
z (Screen Appearance): Touch this screen button to
access the appearance screen menu.
From this menu, several options may be adjusted:
Color Scheme: This option allows you to choose
between three different screen color schemes by
touching 1 (blue), 2 (green), or 3 (brown).