Barbecue Island Assembly
LTR50001101, Rev. A
Cleaning the Interior of Your Grill
Thoroughly clean stains, food, and grime using a sponge or damp 1.
cloth with warm water and a mild dish soap. Use Fantastik or For-
mula 409 to remove heavier soil.
Thoroughly rinse all surfaces and dry them completely with a clean 2.
towel. Do not allow water to accumulate and puddle on stainless
steel. Water from various sources such as garden hoses contains
iron which will give the appearance of rusting on stainless steel. If
allowed to stand for long periods of time on stainless steel, it will
cause pitting.
The racks, ame tamers, and avor bars can all be removed for 3.
cleaning and are dishwasher safe.
Spiders and small insects occasionally inhabit or make nests in the
burner tubes, obstructing the gas ow. Sometimes this results in a
type of re in and around the gas tubes called “ashback”. To reduce
the risk of ashback, this procedure should be followed at least once
a month or when your grill has not been used for an extended period
of time.
IMPORTANT: Prior to starting this procedure, turn OFF all of the gas
control knobs, shut off the fuel supply, and disconnect the fuel line.
The burners can be removed by removing the keeper pins and lifting
them out. The keeper pins are located under the grill toward the back.
They are used to keep the burners in place during shipping and are not
necessary to operate your grill. Remove burners from the grill by care-
fully lifting each burner up and away from the gas valve orice.
Use a wire brush to clean the outer surface of each burner to remove
food residue and dirt. Clean any clogged ports with a stiff wire such as
an opened paper clip.
Inspect each burner for damage (cracks and holes). If any damage is
found, replace the burner and discontinue grill usage.
Upon reinstallation, inspect the gas valve orices for cleanliness and
condition and the location of the igniters. When you replace the burn-
ers, you do not need to replace the keeper pins.