compressor application, all compressor relays and related func-
tions will track with their associated DIP switch 2 on S1.
NLL staged Heating mode, the override (OVR) input becomes
active and is recognized as a call for heating and the control
will immediately go into a Heating Stage 1 mode. With an ad-
ditional 30 minutes of NLL demand, the control will go into
Heating Stage 2 mode. With another additional 30 minutes of
NLL demand, the control will go into Heating Stage 3 mode.
Units with HWR Option
FAN ONLY — A (G) call from the thermostat to the (G)
terminal of the Deluxe D control board will bring the unit
on in fan only mode.
COOLING STAGE 1 — A simultaneous call from (G),
(Y1), and (O) to the (G), (Y1), (O/W2) terminals of the Deluxe
D control board will bring the unit on in 1st Stage Cooling.
COOLING STAGE 2 — A simultaneous call from (G),
(Y1), (Y2), and (O) to the (G), (Y1), (Y2), and (O/W2) ter-
minals of the Deluxe D control board will bring the unit on
in Cooling Stage 2. When the call is satisfied at the thermo-
stat the unit will continue to run in Cooling Stage 1 until the
Cooling Stage 1 call is removed or satisfied, shutting down
the unit.
NOTE: Not all units have two-stage cooling functionality.
HEATING STAGE 1 — A simultaneous call from (G) and
(Y1) to the (G) and (Y1) terminals of the Deluxe D control
board will bring the unit on in Heating Stage 1.
HEATING STAGE 2 — A simultaneous call from (G),
(Y1), and (Y2) to the (G), (Y1), and (Y2) terminals of the
Deluxe D control board will bring the unit on in Heating
Stage 2. When the call is satisfied at the thermostat the unit
will continue to run in Heating Stage 1 until the call is
removed or satisfied, shutting down the unit.
NOTE: Not all units have two-stage heating functionality.
REHEAT MODE — A call from the humidistat/dehumid-
istat to the (H) terminal of the Deluxe D control board will
bring the unit on in Reheat Mode if there is no call for cool-
ing at the thermostat. When the humidistat/dehumidistat call
is removed or satisfied the unit will shut down.
NOTE: Cooling always overrides Reheat Mode. In the Cool-
ing mode, the unit cools and dehumidifies. If the cooling
thermostat is satisfied but there is still a call for dehumidifi-
cation, the unit will continue to operate in Reheat Mode.
System testing provides the ability to check the control
operation. The control enters a 20-minute Test mode by mo-
mentarily shorting the test pins. All time delays are increased
15 times. See Fig. 19-22.
Test Mode — To enter Test mode on Complete C or Deluxe
D controls, cycle the power 3 times within 60 seconds. The LED
(light-emitting diode) will flash a code representing the last fault
when entering the Test mode. The alarm relay will also power on
and off during Test mode. See Tables 27 and 28. To exit Test
mode, short the terminals for 3 seconds or cycle the power 3
times within 60 seconds.
NOTE: Deluxe D Control has a flashing code and alarm relay
cycling code that will both have the same numerical label.
For example, flashing code 1 will have an alarm relay cycling
code 1. Code 1 indicates the control has not faulted since the
last power off to power on sequence.
Retry Mode — In Retry mode, the status LED will start to
flash slowly to signal that the control is trying to recover from
an input fault. The control will stage off the outputs and try to
again satisfy the thermostat used to terminal Y. Once the ther-
mostat input calls are satisfied, the control will continue normal
NOTE: If 3 consecutive faults occur without satisfying the
thermostat input call to terminal Y, the control will go into
lockout mode. The last fault causing the lockout is stored in
memory and can be viewed by entering Test mode.
Table 27 — Complete C Control Current LED
Status and Alarm Relay Operations
1. Slow flash is 1 flash every 2 seconds.
2. Fast flash is 2 flashes every 1 second.
3. EXAMPLE: “Flashing Code 2” is represented by 2 fast flashes followed by
a 10-second pause. This sequence will repeat continually until the fault is
Table 28 — Complete C Control LED Code and
Fault Descriptions
Normal Mode Open
Normal Mode with
PM Warning
(closed 5 sec.,
Open 25 sec.)
Complete C Control is
Slow Flash Fault Retry Open
Fast Flash Lockout Closed
Slow Flash Over/Under Voltage Shutdown
(Closed after
15 minutes)
Flashing Code 1
Test Mode — No fault in
Cycling Code 1
Flashing Code 2
Test Mode — HP Fault in
Cycling Code 2
Flashing Code 3
Test Mode — LP Fault in
Cycling Code 3
Flashing Code 4
Test Mode — FP1 Fault in
Cycling Code 4
Flashing Code 5
Test Mode — FP2 Fault in
Cycling Code 5
Flashing Code 6
Test Mode — CO Fault in
Cycling Code 6
Flashing Code 7
Test Mode — Over/Under
shutdown in memory
Cycling Code 7
Flashing Code 8 Test Mode — PM in memory Cycling Code 8
Flashing Code 9
Test Mode — FP1/FP2
Swapped Fault in memory
Cycling Code 9
CO — Condensate Overflow LED — Light-Emitting Diode
FP — Freeze Protection LP — Low Pressure
HP — High Pressure PM — Performance Monitor
1 No fault in memory There has been no fault since
the last power-down to power-
up sequence
2 High-Pressure Switch HP Open Instantly
3 Low-Pressure Switch LP open for 30 continuous
seconds before or during a
call (bypassed for first 60 sec-
4 Freeze Protection
Coax — FP1
FP1 below Temp limit for 30
continuous seconds
(bypassed for first 60 seconds
of operation)
5 Freeze Protection Air Coil
— FP2
FP2 below Temp limit for 30
continuous seconds
(bypassed for first 60 seconds
of operation)
6 Condensate overflow Sense overflow (grounded)
for 30
continuous seconds
7 (Autoreset) Over/Under Voltage
"R" power supply is <19VAC
or >30VAC
8 PM Warning Performance Monitor Warning
has occurred.
9 FP1 and FP2
Thermistors are swapped
FP1 temperature is higher
than FP2 in heating/test
mode, or FP2 temperature is
higher than FP1 in cooling/
test mode.
CO — Condensate Overflow LED — Light-Emitting Diode
FP — Freeze Protection LP — Low Pressure
HP — High Pressure PM — Performance Monitor