Icon Meaning
Use this mode to store functions, to generate a
numeric table of different solutions as the values
assigned to variables in a function change, and
to draw graphs.
Use this mode to store recursion formulas, to gen-
erate a numeric table of different solutions as the
values assigned to variables in a function change,
and to draw graphs.
Use this mode to draw graphs of implicit func-
Use this mode to solve linear equations with two
through six unknowns, quadratic equations, and
cubic equations.
Use this mode to store programs in the program
area and to run programs.
Use this mode to transfer memory contents or
back-up data to another unit.
Use this mode to adjust the contrast of the dis-
Use this mode to check how much memory is
used and remaining, to delete data from memory,
and to initialize (reset) the calculator.
k Using the Set Up Screen
The first thing that appears when you enter a mode is the mode’s set up screen,
which shows the current status of settings for the mode. The following procedure
shows how to change a set up.
uTo change a mode set up
1. Select the icon you want and press w enter a mode and display its initial screen.
Here we will enter the RUN Mode.
2. Press !Z to display the mode’s set up
• This set up screen is just one possible exam-
ple. Actual set up screen contents will differ
according to the mode you are in and that
mode’s current settings.
2 Selecting Icons and Entering Modes