Message Description Required Action
A system error has occurred.
(1) Shut down all other
applications that you are
not currently using.
(2) Check how much free
space is available on your
computer’s hard disk.
(3) Exit the emulator and
restart it.
If this does not correct the
problem, it could mean that the
emulator file is damage.
Reinstall the emulator.
Follow the steps that are
shown on the display and try
A problem occurred while
accessing the registry.
Check to make sure that the
emulator is installed correctly.
fx-9860G Manager PLUS
cannot be started up. The USB
driver is not installed correctly.
Reinstall the USB driver.
The path and/or filename
exceeds the maximum length
allowed by your Windows
operating system.
The number of letters in the
path or file name you specified
exceeds the allowable limit.
Shorten the specified path or
file name.
A problem occurred while
importing <file name>.
Note that import of a file
created on another model is
not supported.
Some problem occurred while
importing the file.
Make sure that the file was
created using a calculator with
the same model name as this
A Key-Log file cannot be
created or opened while Key-
Log data is being played back
or recorded.
Stop playback or recording
and try again.
You are trying to create a new
Key-Log file or open an
existing Key-Log file while
Key-Log data is being played
back or recorded on the
Stop playback or recording and
try again.
File Extension Error The file you selected has an
invalid file name extension.
Make sure that the extension
of the file you are selecting is
bmp or jpg.
<path> Invalid Extension The file path you selected has
an invalid file name extension.
Make sure that the extension
of the file path you are
selecting is bmp or jpg.
A problem occurred while
accessing the registry.
Check to make sure that the
emulator is installed correctly.
Some problem occurred during
registry access.
Re-installation of the emulator
is recommended.
A system error has occurred.
Exit the emulator and restart it.
If this does not correct the
problem, it could mean that the
emulator file is damaged.
Reinstall the emulator.
A system error occurred.
Re-installation of the emulator
is recommended.